Monday, June 28, 2010

No Plan

I have no plan. And that's no surprise to anyone who knows me. But because I have no plan I want to write down everything I do so that I will know what I did wrong in the future. At first I was going to write it down in a notebook, but a blog seemed like it would be easier to keep up with (won't loose the book) and it might inspire someone else out there to grow some vegetables on their own corner of the planet.

I am no gardener, and I am no horticulturalist. I have a library card, internet access, and a guy who understands some about plants and gardening. I don't have a clear idea of what I want (besides some veggies) but I've got some spare time to figure that out. At the very least this will be a learning experience. Hopefully both the plants and I make it out alive (before I eat the plants of course).

Today I bought, slightly on impulse, seed packs for Spinach, mixed lettuces, and celery and heirloom tomato, bell pepper, and thai basil seedlings and Lowes. I'm thinking about returning the seed packets and getting nicer ones somewhere on the net. I still don't have a clue how I'm going to get them up, but that'll come later.

I'll take pics of my current and future balcony so you (whoever you are) get an idea of what I'm working with. Along with that I'll describe some of my ideas.

Wish me luck!