Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Sorry for the long haitus! At first I was busy with school, then I misplaced my camera. Now, I've got a new camcorder. You might be seeing some silly garden videos as I learn how to use it and editing software. 

Now onto the plants! Summer came in hard and strong. Besides the tornado storms, there really havn't been too many cool or rainy days. The garden stepped up its water intake to about two watering-cans a day. I've had to rearrange the plants because the Cherokee Tomato has shot up and out. I haven't counted the number fruits on it, but it's at least 8. One of the tomatoes already turned. It was super juicy and had more placenta than meat. Still delicious! 
The jalapeƱo has also been doing extraordinarily well. It's not nearly as bushy as the tomato plant. The pepper is about two and a half feet tall (not including pot) but just a foot wide. Quite lanky. But that's not the goal; it has over twelve peppers on it and I've harvested 3. They're extra hot. Yumyumyumyum!!!

The most successful of my plants is definitely the beans. My mom put about a cup of them in a vegetable soup. Glorious. There really isn't much better than fresh beans. I can harvest a few at a time and then keep them in the fridge for two weeks or so. I've got enough now to make just a pot-o-beans! Excitment!!!
These are the ones I picked today.

The strawberries started fruiting last week and should ripen in the next. I'm planning on making pound cake and buying whip cream. Be jealous.

In the same box as the strawberries is the most successful nasturtium. The flowers are edible; they have a pepper-citrusish taste. Tomorrow they will liven up my salad.

Leek and carrots are surviving. Herb pots going steady.

That's all for now friendlies! Ciao!