Sunday, July 18, 2010


Everything is growing. I'm waiting on a set of window boxes I ordered. They'll be the main "garden area" after I build a holder/table thing for them. The potato might have some mold in the dirt, and some of the planters also have some fungi growing on them.

I think the planters'  mold is because of the flour-paste I used to glue them together, because the growth is mostly on the fold where the two ends of the 'skinny rectangle' meat. So perhaps using a non-glutenous binding agent (i.e. regular white glue) would be better. Or just use the smash method they suggest for non square planters. Also, if you use a newspaper starter planter, I suggest filling them up to the rim with dirt. Doing so will reduce the amount of water loss, since a rim will wick moisture up and lead to quicker evaporation.

The seedlings are doing well though. I have nine plants with maybe one more about to poke out.

They're fairly tall (about 4 inches) and some have started to put out their first real leaves. The one in the foreground is the first sprout, planted in the demo planter. It's the biggest. I water them about twice a day and spritz them with a spray bottle about three times a day.

Potato plant. Can you tell which way the sun comes in? I'll probably add 4 inches of soil in the next day or two in order to encourage tuber growth. I also threw in the left-over planters in there, as you can see. I'm testing to see how long they take to decompose.

Future tomato, right here. I bought a Brandy-wine tomato the other day at the farmers market. Soooo good! Grow tomato, grow!

Thai Basil blossom. Not good for growing leaves, but they're really pretty.

And the pepper plant. Nothing really exciting going on. It's putting out a few more leaves and got some heat damage a few weeks ago. Looks alright I guess.

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