Sunday, August 29, 2010

My plants have been as busy as me!

     School started a week ago but if feels like three times that. But in a good way. I've been doing a lot of art stuff and my plant's haven't needed much tending to. That's a good and bad thing. They have been growing like weeds though. Goodness!! I think the new balcony has a lot more sun in the mornings; roughly five hours of direct light in the a.m. and seven hours of indirect light the rest of the time. A HUGE wisteria vine (I should say tree) shades the balcony keeping the temperature down, and I've trimmed it so it still lets light in on my plants.

All the plants have grown a good bit. The pepper annoyingly puts out more and more leaves. No blossoms or anything that looks like it could become reproductive. I think it's a dud. The basil seems to have a 1.5ft radius, and is becoming more flavorful. I like to chew on it as a breath freshener, hahaha. The tomato has gotten super tall, one branch being at least 4ft tall and the other not much below it. It also has a dozen or so blossoms, a few of which look like they'll go to fruit (crossing my fingers).

Now the cucumbers...

... they've gone buck wild. Those leaves are about 5inches across. I've pulled three seedlings, but the others are thriving. They naturally used the balcony siding as a trellis, soaking up all the eastern light they can.
In this photo you can really see how they poked their leafy heads through and started growing! The window box  down there just seems empty. I put bits of shell in it as a pseudo mulch. I don't know if it actually works.

One of the plants is growing down. It's leaves aren't as big, nor is the plant as tall/long, but it's doing alright. People below might have to watch for falling fruits soon. The packet says they mature in 60 days, so I've got about a month more to wait.

I'm also waiting to plant some new seeds I ordered from Seed Warehouse. They had a fairly good selection and somewhat local (Georgia). I got several lettuce varieties, snap peas, cilantro/coriander, carrots, and leek. The one thing they didn't have was Bok Choy. I think it's still too warm to put them out. We'll see how long I can hold out.

Oh, and last but not least my strawberry pot! The oregeno is doing the best, practically flowing out of the pot. The sage and rosemary seem to be carrying on alright. One of the rosemary isn't getting as much light, since its on the other end of the porch.  I want to put it down stairs at our entrance, but rather wait til it was full. I just don't know what to put in it. If you have any ideas, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. We're you floating in air to take that first cucumber picture? or say.. on a
