Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pepper Plant Pests

The pepper plant finally has something interesting to look at.

Neither Nicholas nor I knew what they were. They look like little red ant-like things with long legs. Nicholas figured they were either Assassin Bug or Leaf Leg Bug nymphs (what comes after the larval stage but before they are fully mature). Apparently the two bugs are in the same family(?) and don't look much different from one another at this stage. After some interwebbing I concluded they were the Leaf Leg Bugs, before they have their leafy legs.

Click on Photos to Enlarge

Assassin bugs generally are lone creatures who stalk the stalks for other creatures to feed on. Leaf Legs gather together in wild packs, sucking the life out of leaves or burrowing into the fleshy parts of fruit. (Slight exaggerations). Assassin bugs are somewhat beneficial and leaf legs are not. I cut the leaf holding all the nymphs and tossed it over the balcony onto the nearby crepe myrtle. Hopefully they'll stay on it and not bother my planties.  

1 comment:

  1. Did you take both these photos Becky? If you did, they're most excellent
