Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oooh! Springtime!

Actually, springtime is almost gone here in Auburn. Ever since February the weather has bounced between 40*F to 80*F. Humidity has yet to rear it's ugly head.

So I've been slacking (just a bit) in my art and spending time  outside. It's what I'm doing right now. And if I hadn't I would not have just seen a beautiful anole scuttle across the railing and flash his dewlap at me. There's also two new bird's nests on my balcony. One of nests is just low enough to look inside if I stand on a chair. This first one was taken about a week ago when I started my garden.

  The nest is about five inches wide, and very neatly put together.There is a piece of plastic bag or some thin plastic on the outside.
You can see the mud(?) packed around the inside in this photo.
This photo I just took. The birdies lined the mud with another layer of that grass/straw stuff. And laid two eggs. :) In my brief google search I've guessed that it's a robin's nest. Or a bluebird, but they usually live in boxes or holes. I don't know if it's the best idea to be hanging out on the porch right now with them- I havn't seen the mama or papa. Google said that the parents don't actually start nesting til they have laid all the eggs- so maybe she's out stuffing her face or something. I'll consult some experts later.

Now, onto the garden. (New Posts)

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